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Category: Lifestyle

Beer Games at Parties

There has been a huge increase in popularity of beer games over the last few years. Beer is very common in almost every party. It has become the norm in almost every party be it…

Nonverbal Communication and Body Language Power

Good communication is the foundation of successful relationships, both personally and professionally. But we communicate with much more than words. In fact, research shows that the majority of our communication is nonverbal. Nonverbal communication, or…

Life Work Balance – Change Your Life

Let’s face it, your life is one big mess. You just can’t get life work balance in order that you wish, one more fact is – there is no one to blame but yourself! I…

Get free predictions online!

Are you currently during a time of doubt? Do you want to ask the opinion of a professional astrologer? Well, you can get free clairvoyance by telephone. The French site is based on finding answers…

Work life balance program or a life like a symphony

When you consider analogies about life, let me ask you a question. Would you prefer your life to be a tight-rope or a song? I talk to a lot of entrepreneurs or executives about the…